
Ways to Use Your Digital Signage Kiosk at Your Next Trade Show

kiosks outside

Digital signage is a great way to draw attention, inform visitors to your booth, and drum up leads. But, while we’d love to say that just having a video kiosk is enough — it isn’t. You need to put a bit of effort into your video offerings. Here are our suggestions for how to use your digital signage at your next trade show:

Deliver Targeted Content

Just having a screen can be enough to draw attention and bring leads to your booth. Technology is shiny and attractive, let’s face it. However, having their attention is only half of the battle: you will need to deliver engaging content if you hope to keep it. Make sure you’re delivering targeted content through your digital signage.

For example, promote your event, service, or even a product demo. Alert attendees to show-exclusive deals. Create bespoke content that is specifically
designed for your target audience in that particular show. Digital content even allows you to change the message depending on the time of day. With digital content, your message can change throughout the day without any additional cost to you.

Don’t Bother With Sound

Busy exhibition halls don’t need more sound. Creating audio that can be heard over a busy crowd without being obnoxious is all but impossible. Rather, consider going mute and sticking with powerful, punchy visuals. That way you’ll make the same point, but in a less annoying manner.
On top of this, trade show attendees looking at your booth display from a distance will be able to understand your message.

Go Interactive

Step one of lead generation is drawing people in; step two is keeping them there long enough to convert them.

One way to achieve this at a trade show is to choose interactive technology for the booth. Give visitors tablets or kiosks where they can watch product demos, or play games, or enter their contact information to enter a competition, etc.

This kind of interactivity is also good at keeping visitors engaged while all of your sales people are busy talking with others. Whether it’s capturing contact information for future follow-up, or occupying people until a sales person can talk to them, interactive content is a great option.

Tell Stories

Storytelling is a powerful tool in digital content, and digital signage is no exception. Well-told stories are naturally engaging, making sales messages more interesting to listen to and easier to remember. Consider incorporating stories into the digital signage of your trade show booth display.

For example, don’t just announce a new product offering. Tell a story about why it needed to be developed. Tell the history of your brand. Reference the narrative of your visitors’ needs; what pain points they’re experiencing, and how you can fix them.

Keep it Brief

For everything we’ve said, one thing rules supreme: keep it brief. Properly deployed digital signage will communicate a clear and engaging message quickly. Attendees are faced with many booths and have limited attention to give any single display. Ensuring that they get your whole message in that time frame is important if you want them to fully understand your message and your brand.

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